Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day – Salute

Today, I salute Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. for his vision, his words, his actions and his sacrifices – including the ultimate action of giving his life for those beliefs and principals he so proudly and boldly fought for. In honor of Dr. King, I say here’s to FREEDOM, here’s to STANDING UP for what one believes in, here’s to EQUALITY and here’s to accepting each other with NO regard to another’s’ social or economic status, or ethnicity.

Your life will be enriched beyond measure
‘if diversity is your friend.’

Media Credit: AP PHOTO
Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. speaks at a voter
registration rally held in a Montgomery, Ala.,
church, in 1965.
Published in: on April 4, 2008 at 5:03 pm  Comments (1)